#GLOBALP2P. Online Democracy, Transversal Democracy

Desde las 21:00 hasta 23:00 el 14/06/2013
outliers wikisprint p2p
Imagen de la visualización de #globalp2p por Outliers.


Acerca de #GlobalP2P

Representative democracy is living the worst moment of its history. The shift to a participatory, open, interactive democracy seems unavoidable. However, we still have not arrived to a new democratic paradigm. The course of tags/lines of work #OpenGovernment, #OpenData and #Transparency seem insufficient. The new role of cities in politics seems to indicate a new order of power where national, regional, municipal and global issues are intertwined. On the other hand, certain governments are creating platforms and tools for citizen participation. However, sometimes, this participation does not meet the expectations. The community, the citizenry, has not quite entered the participatory mechanisms designed by power. And politics, political behavior, is happening elsewhere, in other platforms, in other territories. In the WI-FI era, inhabited by cellular phones with ubiquitous connection and information, real time democracy is possible. Democracy is something that can happen anywhere, at any time.

What will democracy of the online era be like? What will the state's role be? How will this affect public institutions? How will we achieve a new balance between what is public, what is private and what is common? The session “Online Democracy, Transversal Democracy” intends to open a collateral, hybrid, oblique route within the mechanisms of political participation. The session will address online democracy in an organic manner. Activists, politicians, cultural managers, programmers, urban planners, journalists… will debate on the online democracy imaginary with a transversal approach.

The session "Online Democracy, Transversal Democracy" will be screened at the Casa de Cultura Digital of Porto Alegre (Centro Cultural Mario Quintana) and at the Medialab-Prado of Madrid.

Sala Lab (1ª planta / 1st Floor)

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#p2p #democracia