HelloWorld!, Contemporary Stage Creation and New Technologies

Desde 25/06/2009 07:06 hasta 25/06/2009 12:06

These collaborative stage production workshops at Medialab-Prado will be taking place during the second semester of 2009. Their goal is to create a series of small format shows using new technologies and contemporary performance. The idea is also to perform a theater series and to include some of those pieces in stage circuits.

For the past two years we've been working in the creation of a platform for performing arts and new technologies, based in concepts suchs as innovation and the intersection with similar programs outside our borders.

In this presentation the workshops will be introduced, as well as their guidelines and the work system of Medialab-Prado. Marcos García will talk about Interactivos?, a collaborative and open work system which is the basis of the production workshop that take place in Medialab-Prado.

HelloWorld!, Creación escénica contemporánea y nuevas tecnologías

What is HelloWorld!

The project aims to foster the dialog between new technologies and performing arts, considering that in our city is more common to find works based in installations, contemporary art or interactive and non performative works. We will try to explore stage possibilities of new technologies by creating a small format project production platform for contemporary theater. And therefore, to explore different disciplines such as moving artes, object theater, children theater, etc.

These workshops will try to create a work and project production platform within the framework of Medialab Prado and HelloWorld!

Projects will be selected through an open call to be collaboratively developed. One of the most important requirements of the proposals is to join new technologies and stage work: contemporary  performance, moving arts, narrative, visual, openframeworks, Pure data, processing, OpenGl, augmented reality, metaverse, electronics, robotics, videogames, interaction, etc. The call is aimed at performing arts creators, performres, choreographers, visual and object theater artists, etc, and encourages the reflection about stage space, public space and narrative forms that arise through the interaction of both disciplines.


Medialab Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
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