Kune: a web tool to encourage collaboration, content sharing & free culture - December 2012

Desde 13/12/2012 07:12 hasta 13/12/2012 12:12


After the project presentation, we are now helding monthly meetings of the workgroup, in order to improve all together the project. Thus, we are doing a call for collaborators with profiles such as designers (web/graphic/audiovisual), programmers, translators, "communicators" and especially those interested in testing our tools in order to provide us with the necessary feedback, proposing changes in any level, and even helping us implementing those improvements. We want this tool to match the needs of the community of creators and activists, so your contributions are essential to shape the tool for your needs.

This is not a closed project: any new collaborator can push the project towards different directions, bring new ideas or "evolutions". Besides, if you are thinking in doing an internship/training, major final project or master/PhD thesis, we can support you with training, co-supervision and/or ideas about what to develop/study.

Kune is an initiative of the Comunes collective, and has the support of the IEPALA Foundation, together with other collaborators.

Medialab-Prado en Intermediæ Matadero Madrid (Paseo de la Chopera, 14 Madrid)

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#colaboración #kune