Presentation of Mimodek

Desde 12/11/2010 07:11 hasta 12/11/2010 12:11

imagen mimodek

Image of Mimodek, a projects that "reflects" the position and movements of the visitors in the square.


MIMODEK is a dynamic, interactive, and evolving artificial living system which is based on the principles of the natural world yet “grows” from the fabric of the city.

As all living systems in nature, MIMODEK reflects its own environment. It is site specific, formed by unique, location-related data sources, and by behavior of the visitors. Every installation evolves into a unique “organism” reflecting its location.

MIMODEK highlights the delicate relation between human beings and their environment, and their connection to other living beings with whom they share this environment.

MIMODEK was first developed during the Open Up workshop (February 2010).

Last version created by Jonathan Cremieux and Marie Polakova.

Project developed with the support of the Ayudas a la Creación Contemporánea Matadero Madrid 2010.

MIMODEK destaca la delicada relación entre los seres humanos y su entorno, así como su conexión con otros seres vivos con los que lo comparte.

MIMODEK fue uno de los proyectos desarrollados en el taller Open Up (febrero 2010)

Proyecto realizado con el apoyo de las Ayudas a la Creación Contemporánea Matadero Madrid 2010.


Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

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