rePlay: reCapture and reMix Workshop. Presentation of the permanent seminar and first steps

Desde 05/11/2009 04:11 hasta 05/11/2009 08:11

Recapture of documents. Remix of audiovisual, personal and public files. Audiovisual hackactivism.


In this first workshop, three actions will be performed:

  • Gathering of players and recordings
  1. Bring in your tapes and all those recordings you would like to rescue for your personal memories, images, videos, audios, etc.
  2. Bring in all those players you don't use anymore and donate them to the time machine. They will be very useful to build a permanent audiovisual rack (a cassette player, a vinyl player, a reversal film viewer, a Super 8 camera, an analog videocamera, a Beta player...). The time machine will be in charge of channelling all those independent prosthesis, creating necessary communicating vessels so technologies can talk to each other and bring into life new free formats.
  • Prototyping of the audiovisual time machine. With all those players, we will begin to design the rack and to identify needs (which other players do we need, how to get them, how to integrate them, etc.)
  • Coordination of next steps. Identification of public archives, creation of tutorials, etc.


This workshop is aimed to everyone interested, students, professionals, artists, computer ingeneers, etc.  

Number of places: 25

To sign in, fill in and submit the form you will find below.


>>Wiki of The Audiovisual Periodicals Archive as part of the Commons

Medialab Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
Commons Lab
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