Smart City Dialogue

Desde las 19:00 hasta 22:30 el 03/09/2013

smart cities

Image by opensourceway (CC BY-SA 2.0)


The goal of this debate is to explores the potential of technologies applied to the challenges that future cities have to face, such as power efficiency, transportation, social interaction, urban planning, and so on.

> Download dossier (pdf)





16:30h: Doors open

17:00h: Welcome to Medialab-Prado

17:10h: Introduction by moderator

17:20h: Smart Cities – Smart Citizens. Presentations:

18:30h: Dialogue with panel and audience

19:30h: Networking

20:30h: End



Signing up is free. RSVP here



The International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) is an international organisation active in the fields of housing, urban development and planning. In 2013, IFHP is celebrating its centenary with
an ambitious series of activities around the world including the IFHP dialogue in Madrid and an IFHP study tour to Madrid taking place in the same week. For more info see

In collaboration with Madrides, Medialab-Prado,, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Fundación Metrópoli, Centro Centro, Dac&Cites Danish Architecture Center, Realdania.

Auditorio (2ª planta/2nd Floor)

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over