Smart Textile Technology Conference: Close to the Body

Desde las 19:30 hasta 21:30 el 04/03/2014

smart textiles

Image by Dr. Oscar Tomico


"Smart textile technology calls for a new design practice. A practice that acknowledges that textiles are an intimate and central element in daily life, completely interwoven with our conscious and unconscious behaviour and identity. A practice that exhibits a sensitivity to embodied interaction, acknowledges the importance of posture and movement, and appreciates the 1st person perspective. A practice that confronts the practicalities of integrating the worlds of electronics, fashion, manufacturing and design.

To enable this practice, our research currently focuses on 3 key challenges: obtaining pools of in-situ tested examples, developing interaction styles that fit close to the body, and connect manufacturers and industry in networks that adopt these design practices."



18:30h - 19:20h: Crafting Wearables: design dialogues between technology, textiles and the body. By Dr. Oscar Tomico, Project Leader of CRISP Smart Textile Services. Assistant Professor, Designing Quality in Interaction Research Group, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology

19:30h - 20:20h: A Phenomenological approach to Smart Textiles Design. By Marina Tascón, Professor of Design and Textiles Research Group - Department of Theory and Design Development, Design School ESDi, Ramon Llull University.


Organizado por la estación de trabajo de Hardware Libre de Medialab-Prado.


Lab (1º planta / 1st Floor)

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#Arduino #electronica #textil #lilypad #arduino