Desde 28/02/2023 16:00 hasta 02/03/2023 13:00

Exposure to radiation can cause serious diseases in humans and animals. There are numerous sites contaminated by radiation, posing a threat to health. Although it is a natural process on which our very existence depends, we receive man-made radiation, such as small amounts of radioactive materials due to nuclear activity or traces of radioactive fallout released into the environment during the mid-20th century due to atomic bombs. This has generated residues in the soil, sediments, ice and even in our own bodies that will last for many years.

Invisible and tasteless, fallout has been used to mark our entry into the new geological era of the Anthropocene. The workshop organized by Fernando Cremades (artist) and Agnès Villette (research artist) will begin with a visit to CIEMAT, the national nuclear research center. The activity is structured around three main questions: How can we think of an invisible but ubiquitous presence? How can we isolate and control radioactivity? Finally, how can we translate it, through narrative, installation or drawing?

The workshop will close on March 2 with an open table with 3 speakers: Nestor Herran (science historian, Spain/France) Elise Alloin (artist, France) and Dr. Grit Ruhland (artist, Germany) will present their work before opening the discussion with the public.

The workshop will be in English/Spanish.

Who is the target audience?

During three days the invisibility of radioactivity will be discussed: it is an invisible danger of which we have no sensory experience. The workshop is open to artists, scientists, choreographers, architects, designers, geographers and PhD students who want to explore how to deal with the invisible presence of radioactivity through its sensory and political dimensions.

The workshop RADIOACTIVE TRACES: sensing, perceiving and transcribing radioactivity will result in a publication that will include articles by the roundtable speakers and will be open to participants to contribute.


- February 28:
16:00-19:00. Presentation of the workshop and participants.

- March 1st:
10:00-12:00. Visit to several laboratories at CIEMAT
12:00-13:00 Return to Medialab Matadero

15:00-19:00. Practical session: Feeling, perceiving and transcribing radioactivity.
How can we conceptualize and understand radioactivity, which is essentially an invisible marker?

Different artistic practices dealing with the invisibility of radiation will be introduced by inviting participants to portray radiation in the environment by exploring ways to delineate, represent, visualize or listen to traces of radioactivity through a scientific and artistic approach.

- March 2:
10:00-13:00. Theoretical session: discuss and discuss articles and ideas. Five articles on nuclear culture will be distributed among the participants. Group discussions about what they have read.

18:00-20:00. Public Discussion Session

Link to the Round Table

To participate in the workshop, send a short text explaining your motivations and a brief biography. Maximum group capacity: 15 participants.

Registration here

Sessions of the activity

16:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 13:00
The activity is over
Tipo de actividad:
Taller de formación