Showing 913 - 924 from 1831
Desde las 20:00 hasta 23:00 el 11/07/2013
Sala Lab (1º planta / 1st Floor)
Training activity to learn strategies, tools and basic useful tips to draw up a communication plan to support a collective funding campaigns.Aimed at people, projects, collectives and organizations that want to develop a funding campaign throuhg...
Desde las 20:00 hasta 23:00 el 11/07/2013
Sala Lab (1º planta / 1st Floor)
Training activity to learn strategies, tools and basic useful tips to draw up a communication plan to support a collective funding campaigns.Aimed at people, projects, collectives and organizations that want to develop a funding campaign throuhg...
Desde las 18:00 hasta 23:00 el 11/07/2013
Sala Lab (1º planta / 1st Floor)
Every Thursday you have an appointment at the Libre Graphics Work Station to get together with other designers and design lovers, share experiencias and knowledge around graphic design with free and libre tools. We will support different projects...
Desde las 18:00 hasta 23:00 el 11/07/2013
Sala Lab (1º planta / 1st Floor)
Every Thursday you have an appointment at the Libre Graphics Work Station to get together with other designers and design lovers, share experiencias and knowledge around graphic design with free and libre tools. We will support different projects...
Desde las 21:00 hasta 23:00 el 10/07/2013
Sala C (2º planta / 2nd Floor)
Talk by Orange Foundation's CEO Manuel Gimeno on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with people with autism and other development and communication related disorders.#CATS_MAD Meetings are monthly debates on topics around...
Desde las 21:00 hasta 23:00 el 10/07/2013
Sala C (2º planta / 2nd Floor)
Talk by Orange Foundation's CEO Manuel Gimeno on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with people with autism and other development and communication related disorders.#CATS_MAD Meetings are monthly debates on topics around...
Desde 08/07/2013 20:00 hasta 12/07/2013 22:30
Sala C (2º planta / 2nd Floor)
Guerrilla Radio is a series of workshops, talks-debates and live radio broadcasting events within the framework of the Social Communication Week that takes place from July 6 to 14, 2013. We will learn to set up a radio studio, editorial office...
Desde 08/07/2013 20:00 hasta 12/07/2013 22:30
Sala C (2º planta / 2nd Floor)
Guerrilla Radio is a series of workshops, talks-debates and live radio broadcasting events within the framework of the Social Communication Week that takes place from July 6 to 14, 2013. We will learn to set up a radio studio, editorial office...
Desde las 12:00 hasta 02:00 el 08/07/2013
Auditorio · Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid
University Javierana organizes this lecture within its annual visit to Madrid through the International Studies Program (PEI) directed by Carlos Hernández. Presentation and collective debate with students of University Javeriana of Bogota. With the...
Desde las 12:00 hasta 02:00 el 08/07/2013
Auditorio · Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid
University Javierana organizes this lecture within its annual visit to Madrid through the International Studies Program (PEI) directed by Carlos Hernández. Presentation and collective debate with students of University Javeriana of Bogota. With the...
Desde las 21:30 hasta 02:00 el 05/07/2013
Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid
Presentation of the project European Urban Media Network for Connecting Cities within the framework of the workshop Solid Interfaces and Urban Games: Digital Games in the Public Space. European Urban Media Network for Connecting Cities is a network...
Desde las 21:30 hasta 02:00 el 05/07/2013
Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid
Presentation of the project European Urban Media Network for Connecting Cities within the framework of the workshop Solid Interfaces and Urban Games: Digital Games in the Public Space. European Urban Media Network for Connecting Cities is a network...