Showing 37 - 48 from 1828
Desde las 18:00 hasta 21:00 el 06/06/2023
presentation of three pieces that are part of the collective project of the Atlas of Disappearance Platform, treated from the visual arts and documentary performance. These pieces address the state violence manifested in the transfers to the Valley...
Desde las 18:00 hasta 20:30 el 31/05/2023
The research developed by Fernando Cremades in collaboration with Radames JB Cordero on radiotrophism, or the tendency of a living organism to grow and move towards a source of ionizing radiation, radioactivity and artistic practice, will be...
May 26th from 12:00 · Conversation at 18:00 · Performance at 19:00
Wet Crypto-Mythologies is a research on blockchain systems and DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) as tools for collective myth-making, aiming to imagine other care-based value systems and forms of governance in the context of wastewater...
28th April to 18th June
DONWLOAD TERMS AND CONDITIONS DOCUMENT. APPLY Introduction Medialab is calling for three research projects to develop, during a maximum period of one year, a research project within the framework of the themes proposed by the Medialab curator, and in...
2 March
As a closing act of the workshop Radioactive Traces: feeling, perceiving and transcribing radioactivity given by Fernando Cremades (artist) and Agnès Villette (research artist), a round table will be organized on March 2 with the participation of...
Debate/mesa redonda
Desde 28/02/2023 16:00 hasta 02/03/2023 13:00
Exposure to radiation can cause serious diseases in humans and animals. There are numerous sites contaminated by radiation, posing a threat to health. Although it is a natural process on which our very existence depends, we receive man-made radiation...
Taller de formación
28 feb / 2 mar
Radiation exposure can cause serious diseases in humans and animals. There are numerous sites contaminated by radiation, posing a threat to health. Although it is a natural process on which our very existence depends, we receive man-made radiation...
Debate/mesa redonda
Desde 10/02/2023 17:50 hasta 11/02/2023 23:00
DOWNLOAD FULL PROGRAM We inhabit a complex system of flows and assemblages; energy networks, mineral exploitations, urban peripheries, hydrological cycles, logistic chains, rainforests, data infrastructures... hybrid mechanisms that terraform the...
Desde las 11:00 hasta 14:00 el 14/01/2023
Infraestructuras de gestión de residuos de la ciudad de Madrid
Cities are crisscrossed by a multitude of flows that constantly reorder their material reality. They are organisms whose in/stability depends on a tangle of systems that guarantee certain levels of mobility, food, energy and care. Power plants...
Encuentro comunidad
Desde las 11:00 hasta 14:00 el 17/12/2022
Infraestructuras del sistema energético de la ciudad de Madrid
Cities are crisscrossed by a multitude of flows that constantly reorder their material reality. They are organisms whose in/stability depends on a tangle of systems that guarantee certain levels of mobility, food, energy and care. Power plants...
Encuentro comunidad
Desde las 10:30 hasta 19:00 el 04/12/2022
“Progress” comes too often at the expense of those communities portrayed as backward, uneducated, animalized, or non-existent. Some of them turn this violence and discrimination into a force for their survival by means of embodied practices and more...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia
Desde las 16:30 hasta 21:00 el 03/12/2022
Energy dreams, constructed on compulsive desires for productivity and profit, connect the landscapes of resource extraction with the technologies and spaces of everyday digital life. This session will address how destructive habits of extracting and...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia