Mostrando 910 - 918 de 3140
Call to collaborate in the project development of the five selected projects for the workshop (July 24 -31, 2013) within the European project METABODY - Media Embodiment Tékhné and Bridges of Diversity.Projects deal with topics such as performances...
List of the selected projects that will be collaboratively developed during the Bodynet - How to make a network of bodies? (July 28-31 julio, 2013) within the framework of the European project METABODY - Media Embodiment Tékhné and Bridges of...
15M.cc is a transmedia, collaborative, copyleft and non profit project on 15M, the citizen movement born on May 15th 2011 in Spain. The project aims to edit a book, produce a documentary and develop a webpage (besides the informative website that...
Comunes aims to foster the work of initiatives that promote the common good. In order to do so they offer resources and free web tools for other collectives and artists.
#bookcamping is an open and collaborative library born with the 15M movement. Within the Commons Lab they have created a work group that aims to generate a critical discourse on literature, free culture and publishing (dis)organization.
City and Commons is an open work group focused on topics such as public space and citizen participation as part of the Commons Lab. It aims to generate a meeting space to develop projects and reflect on the intersection between city, technology and...
Commons Based Enterprises is a work group focused on the relation between some specific business models and the concept of Commons. Jaron Rowan introduces a general overview about common good management and its connection of this collective research...
The collaborative translation group aims to study and publish in Spanish outstanding works on digital technologies and communication networks, as well as their connection with deep political, economic and cultural changes from the perspective of the...
Por empezar con algo ameno, pongamos el temita de nuestro padrino, Sixto Rodriguez, con su "exitazo", que tan oportunamente narró el documental premiado con un Oscar, Searching the Sugar man.... lo pongo en la sección docs, a ver lo que dura el link...