Bodynet - How to make a network of bodies? Selected Projects

Kinetic BodyMesh

by Beka Iglesias (Portugal)

Imagen KBM

Kinetic BodyMesh is a performatic bioinstallation where matter, bodies and tech are participating in visual collective-bodyrepresentation through videomultistreaming in android. A performatic bioinstallation where matter, bodies and tech are participating in a collective body-movement sonic representation through kinect and puredata. 

Profile for collaborators: Knowledge of architecture / sculpture to construct the network structure, which integrate 3D printing cuerpos. Knowledge of physical theater, dance, performace, escénicas. Would it be appropriate for someone else to accompany programming in devel, it is always rich and collaborative, but not essential. 


Postgender Biomechatronic Machines

by Claudia Elena Ossandón Jamett (Spain)


Gender is a power mechanism of submission. Man and woman as the unique gender law is the prosthetic of the capitalist, reproductive, and heteronormative system to make productive and disposal humans gears.

Post gender is going beyond the labels that are imposed to our bodies.

Biomechatronics seek the augmentation and rehabilitation of the body.

We propose a workshop to play,create and build different post-gender prothesis using and mixing pwm motors, noise diy circuits and sensors with prosthetic latex and other similar materials.

Postgender biomechatronics is an experiment to rehabilitate our gender defaults defects. 

Profile for collaborators: electronic alquimist, biomechatronic experimentation, postpor performers and cyborgs.


Weaving the web: from virtual to reality and back. Once we were hub connectors, we are now becoming meta-bodies

by Rossana SerenaBarbaglia (Spain)

Imagen weaving the web


This proposal is the work of different personalities whose trajectories are linked to collectives dealing with transgender, post-porno, feminism, activist research, technological sovereignty, audiovisual production, transformation of spaces and performances.

We live, work and conspire together in Calafou, an ecoindustrial postcapitalist colony, started two years ago. Calafou is an ambitious community project of varying complementary dimensions such as cooperative access to housing, ecoindustrial production and experimentation dealing with post-capitalism and social economies.

We will document our work, test those in different settings through participative and performative processes, analyze the feed back in order to measure their impact and see how they can be improved and scaled. All of our work will be published under free licenses (contents, documentation, hardware and software).

Profile for collaborators: We focus on the production of culture of an open nature and we seek for partnerships/ trainers/ researchers in relation to the specific needs that can arise from the development and implementation of projects. The projects presented here intend to be integrated and implemented in the  following disciplines: electronics, electricity, water culture,  permaculture, technology gender / body / desire / sexuality, computers,  programming, free audio and video producing / editing / distributing,  bio / environmental sustainability eco / architectural / technology,  mechanics, biomechanics, disabled/dysfunctional diagnosed bodies, free communication and culture, individual and colective safeness, bio-arquitecture, performance, techno-chamanism, cyber theory and practice, DIY/DIT and recycle-based engineering for auto-production, reverse engineering, humanistic/social politics investigation.


SXK [Turing Test]

by La Quimera Rosa Collective (Spain)

Imagen SXK

An interactive sensorial installation/performance, that proposes a corporal relationship experience with an unknown person. Two participants are located in different spaces detached by a no linear wall. Each one has an Sexoskeleton connected to his body, with appliances that allow a sensorial relationship and an exchange of data about the physical/emotional state. The wall does'nt represent a physical barrier anymore, but a chance to relate: there is someone on the other side. Will the human pass this Turing Test?

With a particular tribute to the work and life of Alan Turing as a starting point, this project approaches the concepts of artificial life and artificial intelligence, to the mechanisms of construction of subjectivity. In an ironic and deconstructive way, this installation proposes a sort of inversion of the Turing Test.

Profile for collaborators: people who work with hackitectura and / or DIY mobile architectures; people who work with design and / or construction of interactive clothing and people who work with illustration / design / animation 3D


Corporeal narrative gaming

by MartinReiche (Germany)

The project will address the question “How could a hybrid paradigm that is able to sensitize the user for a network besides the internet and thus reflecting a human approach on interaction and connectivity look like?” in an exemplary way.

The project idea is to leverage the internet as an information transmission medium to better connect on a physical level. To achieve this goal, an augmented reality game is created that aims to blur the distinction between real (physical) and fictional (digital) through narration to engage the user more into his physical context. That way, the dependence of the user on a medium can be overcome by the medium itself using narration, i.e. the game can undermine the user’s affiliation towards technology to get him away from technology to unmediated experience with other players and thereby implicitly forms a network through the trajectories in the narrative creating a collective (as well as individual) experience of the game.

Most important in this project is the ability to leverage as many communication channels as possible (email, phone, text, skype, facebook, twitter, …) as to address the dependence on these media as well as to achieve a feeling of immersion into the game thus blurring the lines between the real life and the content that is created by the game. That way, our aim is to elicit a better understanding of the unmediated life in the user himself.

Profile for collaborators: people for programming and for UX design.

With the support of the European Commission

 cultura europa


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