Mostrando 379 - 387 de 3140
This lecture is about creating a collector living information that allows to extract data and shows how the public relates to public administrations, in order to process these data and obtain indicators and knowledge of the health of this interaction...
We want to visualize changes in the structure of the Catalan Public Administration.
cityApi dashboard for Madrid aims to facilitate access to public data in Madrid creating an api that allows access to any person, association or business that wants reuse these data without worrying about updates of the data source.
This talk provides an analytical outline for critically analysingprojects related to data analysis, from visualisations to services (e.g. mobile applications). It is based on the triad, which is the combination of the three fundamental elements of...
La dinámica colaborativa del proyecto comienza en Febrero de 2015 con un primer encuentro al que asistieron más de 100 vecinos y vecinas de Perales de Tajuña para hablar sobre la agricultura, su tradición en el municipio y explorar opciones de futuro...
PRÓXIMA REUNIÓN JUEVES 30 DE ABRIL EN MEDIALAB A LAS 19H AVANCES DE LA REUNIÓN ANTERIOR DEL 23 DE ABRIL ADJUNTO DOCUMENTO POR SI PREFERÍS DESCARGARLO Se elimina la interacción de las cuerdas de la introducción en la que el público decidía por dónde...
Lecture by journalist Iñaki Gabilondo organized by the Information and Communication Sciences Studies of the Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in collaboration with Medialab-Prado. An event within the framework of the 15th Anniversary of the...
Lecture by journalist Iñaki Gabilondo organized by the Information and Communication Sciences Studies of the Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in collaboration with Medialab-Prado. An event within the framework of the 15th Anniversary of the...