Mostrando 604 - 612 de 3140
What do plants talk about? Organic Cinema is a visual, cinematic story told by plants, created by an algorithmic rendition of real time action & variation potential signals taken from these plants.The goal is to use Arduino and electrodes and to...
What do plants talk about? Organic Cinema is a visual, cinematic story told by plants, created by an algorithmic rendition of real time action & variation potential signals taken from these plants.The goal is to use Arduino and electrodes and to...
Here is the schedule we'll try to follow. First week (16 - 22 June) Prototype development: To start: - Build Arduino sensors system. - Setting bluetooth connection and test communication between Android and Arduino. - Set a template to use with...
Privacy on the Internet has become in the recent yearsone of the main challenges faced by users, companies and governments.
Workshop led by Samuel Parra with legal and practical advice aimed to improve privacy on the Internet, oriented to users and companies.
Practical workshop led by Antonio Delgado oriented to Internet users and professionals, such as journalists, who are interested in protecting their privacy and security on the Internet.
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Hola, para aquellos que no pudistéis particiar en el taller de producción de Apicultura Urbana desarrollado en Medialab entre el día 28 de mayo y 1 de junio, os paso el link al espacio en el que hemos estado documentando y añadiendo información sobre...