Chromatography Process. v.01

1)   Grind soil with mortar and pestle

2)   Pass through a sieve and measure out 5 grams of individual samples to add to solution.

3)   Add names to test tubes of which soil is which and add the 5 grams.

4)   Add 50ml of NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) at 1% concentration to each 5 gram sample.

5)   Swirl tube for 1 minute (7 clockwise and 7 anti-clockwise)

6)   Leave for one minute and then repeat the swirling for one minute.

7)   Leave for 15 minutes then swirl again for one minute.

8)   Prepare the filter paper. Cut a long strip and then cut into squares and roll to creat the wick.

9)   To prepare the chromo paper, fold the circle 2 x to find the middle point and make a small hole so that the wick passes through it.

10)                  Absorb silver nitrate into filter papers (AgNO3 0.5%)

Put the silver nitrate into the petri dish and place the filter paper so that the wick is absorbing the silver nitrate.

After about 5 minutes it should have radiated out to about 6cm from centre.

11)                 Place filter paper between paper towels and office paper and but in a dark box for between 2-4 hours.

12)                  6 hours later. Swirl soil mixture one more time for 1 minute.

13)                  Extract the soil solution with a syringe to filter out particles.

14)                  Put soil solution into the petri dishes.

15)                 Remove filters, label them with the soil names and place them in the petri dishes (as with the silver nitrate)

16)                 After absorption gradually expose to light and leave exposed for up to 10 days.


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Vicki Miller