Interactivos? 15 Murcia – Futures at play

> Dates and venue of the workshop
> Futures at play – an introduction
> Goals
> Guideline for projects
> Workshop Overview
> Selection committee
> Selection criteria
> Broadcasting and continuity of projects
> Obligations of the selected
> Accommodation details
> Disclaimer
> Interpretation and modification to the terms of this Notice

 imagen Interactivos Murcia

Dates and venue of the workshop

Presentation of the selected projects during the International Conference Media Art Futures: 15th to 17th April at Centro Párraga in Murcia.
Intensive development workshop: 18th to 27th April at the Centro de Arte La Conservera in Ceutí, Murcia.

Futures at play – an introduction

The future is unavoidably technological. Each step in the development of new digital tools raises questions about the impact of new media on society and its evolution. Future is shaped by a imaginarium in which utopia and dystopia are intermingled, as well as integration or rejection of technology.

Futures at play proposes an approach to this reflection through playful experimentation. Paying attention to the opportunities that arise by combining the most innovative technologies with dynamics of play and social interaction. We propose connecting seemingly unrelated ideas in order to create new scenarios for a society to come.

The issue raised in this edition of Interactivos? opens towards projects that pose playful scenarios for the future society. We look for projects that, through the creative use of technology in combination with knowledge and tools from other disciplines, enable a critical reflection on the relationship between citizens and technologies while proposing playful experiences to make this relationship much more human.



The purpose of this call is to select a maximum of five (5) projects to be collaboratively developed in a workshop of 13 days' duration, from 15th to 27th April 2015. The selected projects will be developed with the help of several mentors and technical assistants, plus a group of collaborators.
This call is aimed at artists, engineers, sociologists, architects, educators, programmers, psychologists, journalists, ecologists, graphic designers or any other person interested in the proposed themes, regardless of their level of experience or degree of specialization.

Proposals may be submitted individually or collectively. Each participant or team may present as many projects as wanted The selected projects must be open to the participation of other interested collaborators who can contribute to the development of parts during the workshop in Murcia.
Therefore, there are two ways to participate in the workshop:
1 - as a promoter of a project
2 - As a collaborator in one of the selected projects

Once projects  have been selected a new call will be opened for those people who want to participate as collaborators in the production process of the proposals. The call for collaborators will be open from March 24th, 2015 until April 14th, 2015 through the website of Medialab-Prado.


Guideline for projects

We seek for projects that speculate on the future and the relationship between play and technology critically and reflectively. The range of projects is extensive and includes:

-interactive installations
-robotic devices
-experimental games
-applications for mobile devices
-game applications for urban space
-locative technologies
-tangible interfaces
-new contexts and communication tools
-etc ..


Workshop Overview

This workshop aims to be a platform for collaborative learning, research, production and prototyping, offering the maximum support in development of the selected projects. The proposals will be developed in multidisciplinary working groups composed by the author / authors and interested collaborators. They will count with the conceptual and technical advice from mentors and assistants.

The organization will provide, as far as possible, the means necessary for the completion and documentation of selected projects.
During the workshop various activities such as lectures, presentations, seminars or specific mini-workshops will be scheduled.

Working hours will be adapted to the particular needs of the projects, in coordination with activities and schedules of the center where the workshop will be developed.

Participants will be encouraged to develop adequate documentation of the projects, both during the workshop and subsequent to completion, and to publish the results and source code under a free license (e.g. Creative Commons) that allow access and dissemination of knowledge produced during the workshop.

Technical requirements
The selection committee will study in detail the technical feasibility of the implementation of the projects. For this reason, projects with clearly specified technical and spatial requirements will be positively valued.

The projects will be developed and subsequently exhibited at the facilities where the workshop will be held. The organization will only provide basic means and equipment to produce the selected projects but solely on previous request by the authors.

Access to and use of technical means provided by the organization will be coordinated and supervised by officials of the workshop.
Each selected project will have a production budget of € 500. The costs of other materials and technical equipment, which have not been previously solicited or approved shall be paid by authors of the project.

The organization promotes the use of free software and therefore encourages participants to work with open code and shared applications and computing environments.

In case the selection committee has doubts in regard to any technical requirements, it will contact the author/authors of the proposal.

Working language
The workshop will be conducted in Spanish and / or English, without translation.

Accommodation & Travel
The organization will cover travel expenses and accommodation for the promoters of the projects.   In case of collective authorship, the costs of one person per project will be covered.

The organization will cover accommodation for 15 collaborators.

All those interested in participating in the workshop should complete this form.
Deadline: February 27th to March 17th, 2015
The call for collaborators will be open from March 24th to April 14th, 2015.


Selection committee

The selection committee will consist of the mentors of the workshop, a representative of Medialab-Prado and a representative of the  Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities of the Region of Murcia.

The resolution will be published on March 24th 2015 via web Medialab Prado and the International Festival Media Art  Futures. (


Selection criteria

In selecting projects, the committee will assess:
-Clear and precise objectives.
-Adaptation to the general objectives and thematic of this announcement.
-Project quality.
-Originality and innovativeness of the proposal.
-Technical feasibility and clarity of the proposal.
-Concurrence of various fields of knowledge.
-Openness to collaboration.
-Using open source tools and licenses to provide open access to the processes and outcomes.
-Resource optimization.
-The diversity of approaches and backgrounds are valued, and their integration into all the proposals selected.


Broadcasting and continuity of projects

The completed work will be publicly presented by the authors (promoters and collaborators) on the final day of the workshop. After completion of the workshop, developed prototypes will be exposed to the public for 15 days. In addition, participants authorize projects and / or documentation thereof to be published on the website of Medialab Prado and Media Art Futures International Festival.


Obligations of the selected

Individuals or groups agree to attend the workshop and associated seminars from 15th to 27th April 2015. They are also committed to the completion and documentation, as far as possible, of the proposed projects.
The projects shall be the property of the author, but provided that the projects are shown at festivals and / or exhibitions, provided that the corresponding pictures are reproduced in catalogs and / or websites shall state the author’s relationship with Interactive? 15 Murcia- Futures at play. Also all  names of people who collaborated in the development of projects shall be stated.

Accommodation Details

Shared rooms for up to 3 people. Breakfast included. Allocation by order of registration.


The Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities of the Region of Murcia and Medialab Prado, are not responsible for the use of data or content for use by the participant. And neither are the copyright or rights that correspond to third parties under the respective laws.

Interpretation and modification to the terms of this Notice

The members of the Committee may make clarifications, amendments and interpretations that they consider relevant.
All those circumstances not foreseen in this call will be resolved by the Committee.
Decisions, qualification and results are unassailable.

Contact: info[at]
Participation in this competition implies acceptance of all its bases and contents thereof.

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#interactivos? #interactivos #murcia