Libre Graphics Meeting. Open Call for Presentations

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The Libre Graphics Meeting is an occasion for developers and artists to work together, to share experiences and to hear about new ideas. By Libre Graphics we mean Free, Libre and Open Source tools for design, illustration, photography, typography, art, graphics, page layout, publishing, cartography, animation and video. The Libre Graphics Meeting is not just about software, but extends to standards, file formats and actual use of these in creative work.

The call is looking for in-depth presentations on Libre Graphics technologies, showcases of excellent work made using Libre Graphics tools, new projects, updates from existing projects, current status, future roadmaps, prototypes...

More info: Libre Graphics Meeting 2013: Future Tools


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#diseño #interactivos #lgru #hardware #software #opendesing #grafica libre #herramientas #legible #editable