Visualizar: call for papers (closed)

Visualizar symposium

Led by: José Luis de Vicente

Dates: 12th and 13th November 2007

Venue: Medialab Prado, Madrid (C/ Alameda, 15 · 28014 Madrid)

Important dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: 15th October 2007

Notification of Acceptance: 20th October 2007

Beginning of the symposium: 12th November 2007


Purpose of the call

The purpose of this call is the selection of a maximum of 8 theoretical works about data visualization for their public presentation during the Visualizar symposium. The open call is made to creators, educators and other professionals in the fields of graphic design, art, sociology, education, psychology, information science, environmental studies, biology, mathematics, statistics, scientific visualization, computer analysis, computer science, bio-information technology, physics or any other field where data visualization may be applied or may contribute valuable innovations.

Rules for participants

All researchers, artists, teachers, or collectives interested in participating in this symposium must send a summary of their research and a brief curriculum vitae via the application form published in

Proposals may be presented as an individual or as a group. Each participant or team may present as many projects as they wish.

Application deadline

The application deadline is 15th October 2007.

Selection process

The committee will choose a maximum of 8 proposals.

Winners will be announced on the 20th October 2007.

Selection committee

It will comprise the teachers of the Visualizar workshop, José Luis de Vicente and Medialab Prado.

Valuation criteria

Project quality

Suitability to the purpose of Visualizar

Educational value

Public presentation

Selected works will be presented publicly by their authors throughout the symposium, in 20-minute sessions followed by a 10 minute debate. Selected works will also be published on the Visualizar website.

Travel and lodging aid

Pending application, Medialab Prado will provide lodging in a Youth Hostel for participants residing outside of Madrid and will consider the possibility of covering travel expenses wholly or in part, on a case by case basis.

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#visualizacion_de_informacion #visualizacion_de_datos #convocatoria #visualizar2007