Visualizar’15 Commoning Data: Open call to submit projects.

> Dates
> Introduction
> Purpose of the call
> General aspects of the workshop
> Project orientation
> Accommodation and travel

> Registration
> Resolution
> Project dissemination and continuity
> Obligations of beneficiaries
> Collaborating Institutions
> Authorship and intellectual property


Image removed.

Workshop: An introduction to visualization and data analysis with R. Felipe Ortega (LibreSoft). R is a popular free software environment for statistical analysis and graph construction.


Workshop: from 5 to 20 May
Call open until: 22 March 
Publication of selected projects: 27 March
Call for additional participants: 27 March to 4 May

Advisor: José Luis de Vicente
Coordinator: Adolfo Antón Bravo
Mentors: Carlos J. Gil Bellosta y Aure Moser
Workshop assistants: Chema Blanco and Haris Hlorou



We live in the digital era of big data: smart cities, computation and "cloud" services, the Internet of Things... These are concepts that are more and more present in our daily life. The amount of data produced by scientific research grows exponentially, infrastructures and commerce generate traceable information which can also be represented, online social media have turned millions of citizens into information producers.

This data explosion promises a world of efficiency, innovation and personalization. but at the same time it rises critical questions on security and data control, privacy and people's intimacy, good governance nof infrastructures and access to information.

In this context, both civil society and public administration, the academic environment and the bussiness world have created movements which promote the access to data and its reutilisation in open innovation ideas or citizen science.

But the idea of Big Data also poses new questions: Who generates the data and how? What social benefit -for the common good-can we obtain from its production and analysis? This way we see emerge -against the idea of accumulating vast quantities of data and analyzing and co-relating them at tremendous speed- ideas like slow data or small data, which highlight the potential of small open connected databases and the care of an artisan (in a similar approach to the slow food movement) in the production, analysis and creation of stories with data.

Also, confronted against large commercial services which extract value and monetize big data groups, in many cases generated by the citizens themselves, many voices highlight the idea of the need for rich "data commons" available to everybody. Understanding data infrastructures as commons means incorporating the users as co-producers and co-responsible of their management. The example of Openstreetmap, a large repository of geographic data which has turned into a useful alternative to commercial services, is an inspiration for many other areas in which we need data without limitations of use and ethically produced.

This perspective emphasizes the growing capacity we have for collaboration in an effective way by sharing a connected database ecosystem, whether they are big, small of medium-sized, which can help us analyze andgive support to the specific and local problems which we face.


Purpose of the open call


The purpose of this process is to select a maximum of ten projects to be undertaken collectively during a two-week long workshop from 5 to 20 May 2015. The chosen projects will be carried out with the help of various mentors and a technical assistant, as well as other participants.
This call is open to software developers, artists, engineers, sociologists, architects, town planners, educators, journalists, graphic designers or anybody else interested in the topics proposed, irrespective of their experience or level of specialisation.

The proposals may be presented individually or collectively. Each participant or group may submit as many projects as they like.

The projects selected must allow the participation of other persons interested in contributing towards their development during the workshop. There are therefore two ways of taking part in the workshop:

1 - as the promoter of a project
2 - as a participant in one of the projects selected

Once the projects have been selected, another second open call is made for any other party who is interested in contributing towards the work on the production of the proposals. The call for contributors will be open from 17 February until 22 March 2015 on the Medialab-Prado website.

The role of these additional participants is of vital importance in the proposal and development of the Medialab-Prado workshops, as they are designed to be opportunities for collaborative work, for the exchange of knowledge and theoretical-practical training within the context of non-hierarchical relationships between tutors, developers and the participants themselves.

The participants may form part of the team working on one or more of the selected projects, depending on their interests, allowing them to contribute their know-how and ideas while learning from the rest of the group and the workshop tutors.


General aspects of the workshop


The workshop intends to be a process of learning, research, production and collective prototyping which will support the development of the chosen projects to their maximum potential. The projects will be undertaken by multidisciplinary working groups consisting of the initial promoter and the interested participants under the guidance of the mentors and assistants who will provide conceptual and technical advice. Through this process the initial idea/project is transformed with the contribution of all the participants.

Medialab-Prado will provide, as far as it is possible, the resources necessary to carry out and document the chosen projects.

During the workshop other activities will be programmed such as talks, presentations and specific mini-workshops.

The working days will continue throughout the entire day, mornings and afternoons.

The participants are requested to document their projects appropriately both during the workshop itself and after its completion. They should publish the results and the free license source code to allow others to distribute and reuse the know-how generated during the workshop.

Technical requirements

The selection panel shall carefully examine the technical feasibility of carrying out the projects. For this reason projects whose technical requirements are clearly specified shall be given more favourable consideration.

The projects shall be undertaken and subsequently exhibited in the facilities where the workshop is to take place. The organization shall provide only the basic equipment and resources needed to carry out the projects and these should be requested by the authors of the proposals in advance.
Access and use of the technical resources provided by the organization shall be coordinated and supervised by the persons in charge of the workshop.

The cost of the materials and technical equipment not requested or approved in advance must be paid for by the authors of the project.
The organization promotes the use of open source technological tools and software. It therefore encourages the participants to work with open source and shared applications and computer environments.

Should the selection panel have any queries about any technical requirement, it shall contact the person or persons promoting the project.

Working language

The workshop will be undertaken partly in Spanish and partly in English, depending on the nationality of the mentors and on whether there are participants that do not speak Spanish in each group.


Project orientation

The following examples may be useful as orientation suggestions for the projects:

Commoning data infrastructures. Creation of a commons of data infrastructure and decentralized resources. Citizen infrastructures that join open software and hardware together, virtual environments, document exchange, etc. some examples:

Open protocols, open data or data commons platforms. Some examples:Projects with Open Hardware for the recollection and management of data. Some examples:Projects with open software for the management and visualization of data. Some examples:Data journalism. Extracting data and significant narrations from big data collections (extracting knowledge for the common good). Some examples:Big data in education (data-driven education). Some examples:
Open data, government transparency, ethical aspects of the use of massive data. Some examples:
Security and privacy. Some examples:


Accommodation and travel

The organization will cover the cost of travel, accommodation and one promoter per project. If a group of people is promoting the project, the expenses of one person per project will be covered.

Shared rooms up to a maximum of six people. Rooms are assigned following strict order of registration.



Anyone interested in participating in the workshop should complete and submit this form.
Submission dates: from 17 February until 22 March 2015
The call for contributors wishing to join the projects is open from 27 March

Form notes:
Please note: the summary must be published in English, and Spanish speakers must also publish it in Spanish. Both your project summary and its description should preferably not exceed 300 words.

Participants are invited to submit a short video explaining their project. This video will facilitate the selection process and will be included in the call for additional participants to encourage them to join the project.



Selection panel
The selection panel will comprise José Luis de Vicente, Adolfo Antón Bravo, the workshop mentors and Medialab-Prado.

Project assessment

  • When selecting the projects, the panel will consider:
  • Its adherence to the overall objectives and the theme proposed in this open call
  • The quality of the project
  • The originality and level of innovation of the project
  • Technical feasibility and clarity of the proposal
  • The concurrence of a variety of fields of knowledge
  • The use of open source tools and licenses allowing free access to the processes and the outcomes
  • Benefit to the community
  • A diversity of approaches and sources and the project's integration into the group of proposals submitted for selection are also considered.

Dates and place of publication of the resolution

The resolution will be published on 27 March 2015 on the Medialab-Prado website.


Project dissemination and continuity

The work undertaken will be presented to the public by the teams on the final day of the workshop.
At the end of the workshop an exhibition will be organised and publicised, which will be open to the public in the place where the workshop took place, on the first floor of Calle Alameda, until 6 June.

The basic details of the projects, including the processes and outcomes should be recorded on the Medialab-Prado platform for collaborative work:

Obligations of beneficiaries


The selected individuals or groups must undertake to attend the workshop and the associated seminar from 5 to 20 May 2015. They shall also commit themselves to completing and documenting the projects, as far as it is possible.



Collaborating Institutions

This open call is also an invitation to organizers who work with data as eaw material in their activity. We invite these organizations to offer groups of data and suggest challenges for their development. During the open call for projects we will add the proposals we receive.


Authorship and Intelectual Property

* The activity will be recorded in video with audio format and broadcast via the MLP website. Taking part in the activity entails authorising MLP to fix, reproduce, distribute and publicly communicate the image rights of participants and attendees, enabling the recorded video and audio to be broadcast to the general public via any media and, in particular, via the Internet, granting transformation rights in order to adapt the work to the medium on which it is fixed or for storage purposes. If the video and audio are broadcast publicly in partial form, MLP will do everything in its power to not alter the recorded content in any way. Access provided by MLP to the recorded material for the general public will not involve any financial compensation whatsoever. The work will be broadcast with a user license that enables any user to freely play and broadcast it by any means. Together with the work, MLP will provide a link to the aforementioned license so that the user can inform themselves of its terms and conditions. The license cession is understood to be for the legally permitted maximum period and with worldwide territorial coverage.

* Speakers must expressly sign an authorisation permitting their image rights to be used by MLP as well as granting the intellectual property rights for their talk in accordance with the institution's purpose of free cultural dissemination.

* To be able to submit bids for this activity, provided the texts, photographs or videos (the works) sent to MLP have been accepted, participants must obtain a license for their works that permits MLP to publish them in any physical or digital format with the maximum territorial coverage and the maximum period of time permitted by law, and they must allow them to be transformed so they may be broadcast or distributed in the best possible way. Once the works have been selected and while the activity is in progress, the author is obliged to allow any other participants in the activity that is the subject of the call to use their work as a basis for producing other derivative works.
Equally participants must store their code in a publicly accessible repository (for example, and obtain an open license for it that allows it to be reused.

* Materials provided by MLP will remain the property of this institution even if they have been mixed inseparably with materials provided by the participant. Participants must remove objects provided and not used within a maximum period of 15 days from the date the activity was completed. After this period has elapsed, MLP reserves the right to dispose of the goods unilaterally as it sees fit.

By participating in this open call you agree and accept all the terms and conditions of the process.

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#visualizar #visualizar'15