Naturaleza e implicaciones del cambio de la infraestructura epistémica en las ciudades

Desde las 13:50 hasta 14:25 el 05/07/2012



"Epistemic infrastructure in a society conveys two kinds of information: what is known and how it came to be known. For a very long time epistemic infrastructure was run by elites, and largely for the benefit of elites. Contemporary information and communication technologies are altering the mechanisms and functions of epistemic infrastructure dramatically. Changing access to traditional forms of learning -- the mechanism by which people engage and become part of epistemic infrastructure -- is altering human agency with respect to knowledge. The traditional heart of epistemic infrastructure of systematic collecting seen in libraries, archives, museums, galleries, zoos, planetaria, and aquaria (all traditionally located mainly in cities) is being transformed as patrons are able reach more immediately and deeply into epistemic bases. And the advent of "crowsourced" knowledge, ranging from wiki-based anthologies (e.g., Wikipedia) to real-time commentary through social media to emerging "information markets" is changing not only epistemic infrastructure but epistemology itself. While these changes can be seen throughout society and the landscape, they are usually seen first and most powerfully in cities. This paper will explore the nature and implications of these changes." By John L. King

Medialab-Prado en Intermediae Matadero Madrid (Paseo de la Chopera, 14 Madrid)

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