Getting ready for Madrid

I've done a little work setting up my Raspberry Pi. It has a Raspbian install and I've installed Python along with the SciPy stack which means that I can run the simple SIR model from Program 2.1 at This means that I can run the mathematical model that will simulate the spread of an infection through a population.

I've also set Tweepy up on the Pi and tested it so it will access a user account and information associated with it. This should mean that I can take some parameters from a user account in order to set the initial conditions for the mathematical model.

I'm not going to have much time to do a lot else before coming to Madrid. I'd like to test connecting the Pi to an Arduino and controlling it using Python commands. If anybody has any experience doing that I'd be keen for any help and tips they might have.

I think that the collaborations I'm going to need most are with people who have skills in electronic engineering - mine are pretty much non-existent - and with anybody who has lighting skills - it would be great to have something more impressive that a trio of uplights as the output.

Hasta luego.

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