Workshop on Data Journalism: Transforming Data Into Stories - Call for Collaborators

> About this open call
> See selected projects

> Profiles
> Programme of the workshop
> Appointment of participants in the workshop
> Medialab-Prado' Community
> Registration forms


Imagen eliminada.

Interactivo de The Guardian "Derechos de los gays en Estados Unidos, estado por estado", ganador de los premios de periodismo de datos 2013


About this open call

The role of the collaborator is crucial in the Medialab-Prado's workshops' statement and development process, as these workshops are constituted as a horizontal collaborative work environment, knowledge interchange and theoretical-practical training among teachers, authors and collaborators.

Collaborators can join any of the developing teams that will carry out the selected projects, depending on their particular interests and skills, thus contributing with their knowledge and skills and at the same time learning from the other group members and from the leading experts

According to the entry rules, collaborators' names will be acknowledged in the final prototypes. Medialab-Prado can issue a diploma to collaborators after completing the workshop.

The workshop will be developped morning and aftertoon between days 25 adn 27 October and 13 and 15 December 2013.

If you are interested please fill in the Form below before 24 October (see indications below).

  • Open call for colaborators: 30 September – 24 October, 2013.
  • Dates of the workshop:25 to 27 October and 13 to 15 December 2013.
  • Presentation of projects: 15 December, 2013. 



This call is aimed at anyone interested in the subjects and issues proposed, and the groups will be multidisciplinary. Specifically, we expect to reach journalists, infographers, programmers, software developers, illustrators, statisticians, anthropologists, scientists, economists, etc.

For the best functioning of the workshop we recomend to have at least one programmer by project


Programm of the workshop


Appointment of participants in the workshop

Since there is no selection process for collaborators, all received inscriptions will be accepted until capacity is filled.  Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an automatic mail confirmation informing that your data has been successfully received, which means that you have already earned participation in the workshop.

Medialab-Prado doesn't cover travel or accomodation


Medialab-Prado' Community

The workgroups will initially be formed through the Community, a specific social network where interested people will be able to get in touch with the promoters of projects and with the rest of collaborators in order to raise doubts, comments, or possible forms of collaboration. The groups will finally be formed during the initial presentation of the projects.

Join the workshop in the Community


Registration form 

Guidelines to complete the form:

In the "Comments" field you should indicate:

    · Availability to participate in the workshop (a strong commitment is recommended since it is an intensive workshop).
    · Title of the Project in which you would like to participate. We recommend you to participate in the community in order to contact the author and the other collaborators before the workshop.

With the support of BBVA.
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#taller #visualizar #periodismo #big data #periodismo de datos