Visualizar'17: Migraciones, Call for Collaborators

Imagen eliminada.

Figure 1: Visualizar17: Migraciones, 15-30 September in collab with, CC BY NC 2.0

Registration is free and ends one week before the start Of the workshop, September 7th.

Medialab-Prado offers free accommodation for collaborators who need it during the workshop (lLimited places on request and in order of registration, up to 1 July).

About this call

Medialab-Prado publishes this call for all those who Want to participate in the workshop Visualizar17: Migraciones, as collaborator in one of the working groups that will develop the selected proposals.

The figure of the collaborator is fundamental in the approach and development of the Medialab-Prado workshops, as these are conceived such as collaborative workspaces, the exchange of knowledge and theoretical-practical training, in an environment of horizontal relationship among all workshop participants, whether mentors, tutors, developers or the collaborators themselves.

Collaborators can be part of the development team of one or more of the proposals selected according to their interests, contributing with their knowledge and ideas while learning from the rest of the group and workshop tutors.

However, we suggest to collaborators to focus on a single project to ensure greater commitment to it during the all phases of the workshop.

As specified in the terms of the call, the names of the collaborators will appear in the credits of the draft. In addition, Medialab-Prado will deliver a supporting document of the participation in the workshop to those collaborators who request

The workshop will be held from 15 to 30 September in schedule from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with a break to eat. Occasionally there will be small workshops, presentations or parcours between 18:30 and 20:30.

If you are interested, fill in and send the FORM you will find below

If you have any questions, you can check the FAQ or Write to visualizar (at)

Assignment of place in the workshop

There is no selection process for collaborators so all registrations received will be accepted until completion seating

Once the form has been sent, you will receive an email confirming that your data has been Which means that you have your place. Confirmation does not directly imply that you have a place in the accommodation provided by the workshop.


For residents outside Madrid, Medialab-Prado will cover a limited number of places during the days of the workshop. The assignment will be made by strict order of application, for what the registration as a collaborator does not automatically guarantee obtaining a place.

Do not forget to check in the form the dates of entry and exit if You choose this option. The maximum stay dates will be check-in 2017-09-14 and check-out 2016-09-30.

Medialab-Prado will reach you to confirm the reservation of your accommodation.

The deadline for requesting a place is July 1st.

Medialab-Prado does not cover travel and subsistence expenses.

Medialab-Prado online community

The teams will be set up through the platform Github, where the selected projects will be published. You will be subscribed to a mailing list and invited to a Telegram group.

Instructions for completing the form

In the field of "Comments" you must indicate:

  • Your availability to participate actively and presently in the workshop. The highest degree of dedication is recommended since it is an intensive workshop.
  • Title of at least two projects in which you would like to participate, if known.
  • Anything else.


Do not esitate to drop us an email to if you have any doubt.

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#visualizar #opendata #data #datos #dataviz #open data #data journalism #data science #datosabiertos #opendataday #visualizar17 #migraciones