Call for Works. Yours Synthetically,

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This call is part of Studiolab, a 3-year, Europe-wide initiative that merges the studio with the research lab funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme in 2011. Studiolab is a European network that provides a platform for creative projects that bridge divides between science, art and design. 

Studiolab relies on a network structure, with 5 core partners in the consortium (The Science Gallery – Trinity College, Le Laboratoire, Royal College of Art, Ars Electronica, Medialab-Prado) and 8 additional expert partners (ERG School of Design, ISI Foundation, Synergetica Lab, LEONARDO/OLATS, Medical Museion, CIANT, and RIX-C, Bloomfield Science Museum).


Find here all the information about the call and the entry rules:


Fill the the form below to submit your project. Remember to nominate your Studiolab partner and the status of your project on the Comments Field.



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#studiolab #biología sintética