Visualizar'16 Call for Projects


Anyone interested in participating in the workshop should complete and submit the form at the bottom of the page.

In this edition we open at the same time the call for ideas and the call for collaborators, so we encourage those submitting ideas also to applay for collaborators in case they want to attend the workshop even though the proposal was not been selected.

We recall that:

  • The two calls, projects and partners are opened from July 4th.
  • The call for proposals ends on August 14th.
  • The projects selected are announced on August 25th.
  • The call for collaborators ends on September 19th.

All those interested in participating in the workshop must fill in and send the form below before September 19th at 23:59 GMT+ 1.

Form notes

Please note that the summary must be published in English. Spanish speakers must also publish it in Spanish. Both your project summary and its description should preferably not exceed 300 words.

Participants are invited to submit a short video explaining their project. This video will facilitate the selection process and will be included in the call for additional participants to encourage them to join the project.

Imagen eliminada.

Obligations of beneficiaries

  • The selected individuals or groups must undertake to attend the

workshop and the associated seminar from 26 September to 5 October 2016.

  • They shall also commit themselves to completing and documenting the

projects, as far as it is possible.

  • Projects must accept and encourage the participation of other people interested from the workshop.

The documentation of the project, both the process and the results, should be recorded in the collaborative work platform at MedialabPrado.

  • In addition, the projects must be licensed under a free license to allow reusing it. They can be hosted at the MedialabPrado projects repository in GitHub and have the same licensed under a free license allowing reuse it. Documentation issues will be supported along the workshop.
  • In the credits of the project, the participation of each member of the team and its development within the framework of the workshop will be detailed.
  • The organization encourages and supports the use of free software development project

Once the exhibition has finished, participants agree to withdraw their materials within a maximum period of 15 days. If they don’t get it, Medialab-Prado reserves the right to get rid of it.

Contact: visualizar [at]

Proposals results

Selection panel

The selection panel will comprise the organization team at Medialab-Prado, the coordination team and the workshop mentors.

Project assessment

When selecting the projects, the panel will consider:

  • Its adherence to the overall objectives and the theme proposed in this open call.
  • The quality of the project.
  • The originality or level of innovation of the project.
  • Technical feasibility and clarity of the proposal.
  • The concurrence of a variety of fields of knowledge.
  • The use of open source tools and licenses allowing free access to the processes and the outcomes

Benefit to the community.

  • A diversity of approaches and sources and the project's integration into the group of proposals submitted for selection are also considered.

Accommodation and travel

The organization will cover the cost of travel and accommodation of one promoter per project, if the promoter is not from Madrid (Spain). If a group of people is promoting the project, the expenses of one person per project will be covered. The accomodation will be at Mad hostel during the days of the workshop.

The organization will also cover the cost of accomodation of promoters or collaborators not residents in Madrid. Shared rooms up to a maximum of six people. Rooms are assigned following strict order of registration.

Working language

The workshop will be undertaken partly in Spanish and partly in English, depending on the nationality of the mentors and on whether there are participants that do not speak Spanish in each group.

Project dissemination and continuity

The work undertaken will be presented to the public by the teams on the final day of the workshop, October 5th in the Open Cities Summit.

At the end of the workshop an exhibition will be organised and publicised, which will be open to the public in Medialab-Prado, until 5 December.

The basic details of the projects, including the processes and outcomes should be recorded on the Medialab-Prado platform for collaborative work and should be documented in a git public repository as the one Medialab-Prado uses in Github.

Collaborating Institutions

This open call is also an invitation to organizers who work with data as raw material in their activity. We invite these organizations to offer groups of data and suggest challenges for their development. During the open call for projects we will add the proposals we receive.


visualizar [arroba]

Authorship and Intellectual Property

The activity will be recorded in video with audio format and broadcast via the Medialab-Prado (MLP) website or any other tools or channels to be taken in consideration.

Taking part in the activity entails authorising MLP to fix, reproduce, distribute and publicly communicate the image rights of participants and attendees, enabling the recorded video and audio to be broadcast to the general public via any media and, in particular, via the Internet, granting transformation rights in order to adapt the work to the medium on which it is fixed or for storage purposes.

If the video and audio are broadcast publicly in partial form, MLP will do everything in its power to not alter the recorded content in any way.

Access provided by MLP to the recorded material for the general public will not involve any financial compensation whatsoever.

The work will be broadcast with a user license that enables any user to freely play and broadcast it by any means.

Together with the work, MLP will provide a link to the aforementioned license so that the user can inform themselves of its terms and conditions. The license cession is understood to be for the legally permitted maximum period and with worldwide territorial coverage.

Speakers must expressly sign an authorisation permitting their image rights to be used by MLP as well as granting the intellectual property rights for their talk in accordance with the institution's purpose of free cultural dissemination.

To be able to submit bids for this activity, provided the texts, photographs or videos (the works) sent to MLP have been accepted, participants must obtain a license for their works that permits MLP to publish them in any physical or digital format with the maximum territorial coverage and the maximum period of time permitted by law, and they must allow them to be transformed so they may be broadcast or distributed in the best possible way. Once the works have been selected and while the activity is in progress, the author is obliged to allow any other participants in the activity that is the subject of the call to use their work as a basis for producing other derivative works.

Equally participants must store their code in a publicly accessible repository (for example, and obtain an open license for it that allows it to be reused.

Materials provided by MLP will remain the property of this institution even if they have been mixed inseparably with materials provided by the participant.

Participants must remove objects provided and not used within a maximum period of 15 days from the date the activity was completed. After this period has elapsed, MLP reserves the right to dispose of the goods unilaterally as it sees fit.

By participating in this open call you agree and accept all the terms and conditions of the process.

Some inspiring examples

The following examples may be useful as orientation suggestions for the projects:

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#visualizar #data #dataviz #open data #data journalism #data science