Call for Collaborators. Wanting to and Being Able to Screen in the City 2014-2015

Desde las 02:00 hasta 02:00 el 02/09/2014


View of the digital façade of Medialab-Prado.


· Description of the project
· Workshop: Wanting to and being able to screen in the city
· Calendar


Pincha aquí vara ver la información completa del proyecto


Project Description

With Wanting To and Being Able to Screen in the City, the n’Undo collective has two aims:

  • First, to develop methodologies through participatory tools, which allow us to know which contents potential spectators are interested in seeing on the city’s screens; in particular, to know what the neighbors and users of the Medialab-Prado’s digital façade wish to see.
  • Second, to learn more about the legislation, rules and conditions that determine what contents can be screened freely, openly and civically.

The research starts with the particular case of the Barrio de las Letras and Medialab-Prado’s digital façade, generating tools for general uses in public space. Within the framework of a workshop, and with the celebration of different sessions where, after an open call for collaborators, there will be fieldwork to gather the neighbors’ information, as well asdifferent documents and legislations that cover screenings in public spaces will be studied.

The intention is to confirm the hypothetical disconnection between what is screened and what people want to see on screen, as well as the big limitation that bureaucracy and legislation represent.
The project takes into account the possibility of creating a tool concerning the rules and conditions to screen in the public space.

Medialab will be where some of the working sessions will take place, and together with its façade, networks, participatory tools, it will offer its support for the presentation of the results.
The participation will be:

  • Open for collaborating on the project
  • Open to the active participation in the workshops
  • Open to the agents and institutions involved and/or likeminded to the proposal who wish to interact in the workshop.
  • Open to researchers and experts within the fields concerning the project
  • For consulting and interacting with the citizenry of Madrid
  • For consulting and interacting with the Barrio de las Letras neighborhood.

Workshop: Wanting To and Being Able to Screen in the City

The research will determine the workshop, which will take place in Medialab-Prado. The work method proposed is based on variations of the World Café, combined with other methodologies for the construction of participatory discourse. Internet following and participation will be enabled.

The workshop starts with the call for collaborators and, once the call is open, the teams potential, profile and level of implication will be studied. There will be two groups:

Group 1: What do we want? That will focus on approaching and learning the neighborhoods intricacies, and gathering its preferred contents.

Group 2: What are we able to? That will focus on the work related to norms, legislations and civic rules concerning screening in the public space.

Both groups, through directed work sessions and work methodologies stemming from World Café and others, will design the strategy for the fieldwork, reflect and answer the following questions: What information do we want? Who has that information? How are we going to get that information? All of which will define a strategy for the following phase of fieldwork.

The fieldwork will be done directly and specifically in the Barrio de las Letras and its surrounding neighborhood, reflecting on what is the real influence of Medialab-Prado on its neighborhood.

All the gathered information will be managed and worked on during the workshops by the participating groups.
Afterwards, the work will focus on the presentation of the event, reflecting on how to make visible the process and conclusions of the project.

The idea is to elaborate a guiding document. The collaboration or participation of other agents or likeminded people will be encouraged, as well as the interaction with other related activities and projects. Specialists and researchers will be contacted. There will be interaction with the neighborhood.

The workshop will be coordinated by n’UNDO and facilitated by two of its members.



September 27, 2014: Presentation and Call for collaborators [+info]

October 2014: Module I: Who Are We?
Session 0: Project Presentation
Work team outline, calendar presentation, search for likeminded people and similar projects. Outlining of groups.

November 2014: Module II: What Do We Want?/What Are We Able To?
Session 1: What information do we want?
Session 2: Who has it?
Session 3: How are we going to get it?
Session 3: Fieldwork 1.
Session 4: Fieldwork 2.
Session 5: Fieldwork 3.

December 2014: Module III: Information Management
Session 6: Management of the gathered information. App.
Session 7: Conclusions.

March 2015: Module IV: Information Management
Session 8: Defining the Event.
Session 9: Defining the Event.

April-May 2015: Preparation, Tests and Last Details

June 2015: EVENT

The estimated time of the sessions is 4 hours.


Este proyecto esta financiado por el proyecto Europeo Connecting Cities.

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Coordinador de Connecting Cities Network:



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Medialab-Prado (Plaza de las letras) Calle Alameda, 15

Sesiones de la actividad

La actividad está finalizada
#ciudad #pantallas #fachada_digital #fachada #Exposición #connecting cities #cnn #fachada digital