Workshop TidalCycles ‘birds of a feather’ ICLC - 2019

Thursday 17th, from 16h to 18h
TidalCycles ‘birds of a feather’ ICLC - 2019
TidalCycles ‘birds of a feather’ ICLC - 2019

This is a workshop related to the International Conference on Live Coding 2019.

This workshop is following the previously TidalCycles “birds of a feather” half day workshop performed as part of ICLC 2016 which is conformed of 20-30 minute talks and demos, each with 10 minutes Q&A. TidalCycles is a live coding environment for pattern, based upon the pure functional programming language Haskell. The TidalCycles community is comparatively small and so the programme will be arrived at by consensus. The workshop will be organised by Alex McLean, Nikolai Polikurov, Rodrigo Velasco, Malitzin Cortes and Iván Abreu with abstracts and supporting slides, code, notes gathered and shared under a creative commons license, and archived on Zenodo (CERN). For more information on TidalCycles, please see

Organizador Actividad:
ICLC Local Committee
Personas relacionadas:
Patricia Domínguez Larrondo

Sesiones de la actividad

16:00 - 18:00
La actividad está finalizada
Tipo de actividad:
Taller de formación
Rango de edad:
0 - 100