Cyborg_game: Tapper Kombucha

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The "Cyborg Game" research intends to use game design methodologies as tools to facilitate research and production processes, as well as the distribution of concepts linked to cyborg theory. Using this investigation as a starting point, Tapper Kombucha wants to generate a game within the public space that works as a research-action dynamic of the urban and as a distribution tool for critical consciousness.

Following Donna Haraway’s analysis, as well as other feminist Sci-Fi authors, we will work their contextual transposition, analyzing the role of the figure of the cyborg in nowadays.

In the manner of a great agora, the urban is constructed by uses, social practices, and interactions among agents. This vision of the urban is confronted by the idea of "public space" as a structure configured by rules: self-regulating mechanisms that maintain an order in interaction, reflecting the economical and political relations where it is inscribed. This created space, conceived with certain interests, is different to the real urban space. What we are interested in is recuperating the real of the urban, which is not just the humane, but the spaces, flows, trajectories, the relations between city and technology. Understanding the cyber city as a SimCity that has to be drawn from the aesthetics of everyday life, of the real of the urban and not of the reality fostered by the civic.