Funcionamientos: Objects in Common and Diverse Bodies is an open call for projects that propose to explore object design and virtual/material environments for the common good, as well as to...
As a result of the open call for the selection of mediators-researchers for Medialab-Prado's space during 2014-2015 we have received 435 applications.
Last August 14 the call for projects for citizen labs in Ibero-America was closed. This call was aimed at all those interested in coming to Madrid for a two-weeks residency...
The Ibero-American General Secretariat's for Citizen Innovation (Segib) and Medialab-Prado issue a call to select three projects to be prototyped in a two-weeks residency in Medialab-Prado.Dealine: August 14, 2015[selected projects]
The Consejeria de Educación, Cultura y Universidades of the Región de Murcia open a call for collaborating in the advanced workshop of project development Interactivos?'15 Murcia: Futures at play, which...
Collaborative prototype workshop and international symposium WARNING! DEADLINE POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 5TH Open call for projects on the use of data for the common good. A maximum of 8 projects...
Open call for the submission of "capsules" or short talk on projects or experiences on design and digital culture within the context of the #ecdc II. 2nd Design and Digital...
HackGriculture is a hackathon in which 5 projects will be developed, all of them incorporating the use of open agicultural data with several purposes, provided by different tools and services...
Building new repertoire for the scientific broadcasting through performance, humor and technology. Science Fiction is an investigation and production workshop for prototypes and stage pieces on scientific broadcasting, representation and...
Collaborative prototyping and international symposium Call to collaborate in the project workshop Interactivos?'14: Rethinking collective behavior and action, (November 11 - 23, 2014). Collaborators will participate in the production of...