Call to collaborate in the project development of the five selected projects for the workshop (July 24 -31, 2013) within the European project METABODY - Media Embodiment Tékhné and Bridges...
Call to collaborate in the project development workshop Solid Interfaces and Urban Games: Digitals games in the Public Space. Collaborators will participate in the production of selected projects, aimed to...
Call for the submission of theoretical works to be publicly presented within Metabody Conference Series 1: Multiplicities in Motion: Affects, Embodiment and the Reversal of Cybernethics. 3.000 Years of Posthuman...
The Metabody group whithin Common Body annouces Metabody phase 1 call for the selection of 5 projects where artists/technicians/scientists/theorists/activists are invited to participate in the start of the first phase...
Open Call for project proposals to be developed during a production workshop for the creation of video games related to public space and the city as an interface (July 1-7...
Call for the presentation of new projects in the Commons LabThe purpose of the call is to present current Commons Lab working groups and welcome new proposals that feature the...
Madrid Arte y Cultura S.A (MACSA) announces a job opening for the new Medialab-Prado director.
Open call for an exhibition titled Yours Synthetically, in the Ars Electronica Center, in Linz Austria (July to October 2013). Deadline: April 3, 2013. April 9, 2013 (EXTENDED)
Open call for proposals and presentations for the Ordinary Sociology Meeting (May 8-9, 2013) organized by Amparo Lasén, Elena Casado and Antonio A. García, from the Complutense Simetría Generalizada research...
Call to collaborate in the project development workshop Interactivos?'13: Tools for a Read-Write World (April 15 - 27, 2013). Collaborators will participate in the production of selected projects, aimed at...