This open call aims at finding collaborators for the II Workshop of Data Journalism Project Development: Following the traces of public money which takes place on October 24-26 and December...
This call aims at selecting a Chilean artist-educator who carries out a residency in Madrid in order to develop a project of digital culture and participative methodologies in cooperation with...
Collaborative prototyping workshop and international simposium Through an open call we will select a maximun of 8 projects to be developed in interdisciplinary groups during a collaborative production workshop that...
HackGriculture is a hackathon in which a maximum of 10 projects will be created and developed, incorporating the use of open agricultural data with different intentions, and which will be...
The Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), through its innitiative Ciudadanía 2.0 and the National Digital Strategy Coordinación of the Office of the Presidency of the Republic (Mexico) organize the Ibero-american Laboratory...
Connecting Cities is a network of worldwide cultural institutions. The aim is to foster the circulation of artistic and cultural contents throughout European and worldwide urban screens and media facades.With...
Throughout two long weekends in October (24-26) and December (12-14) we will develop projects that aim to track public money with the aid of experts such as Ben Welsh (Los...
As a result of the open call for the selection of mediators-researchers for Medialab-Prado's space during 2014-2015 we have received 277 applications.
The Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), through the initiative Ciudadanía 2.0 and the Coordinación de Estrategia Digital Nacional of the Oficina de la Presidencia de la República (México) opens this call...
This open call aims to select a maximum of seven mediators-researchers that will mediate within the space of Medialab-Prado by assisting users, dynamizing work groups, space logistics and other tasks...